PR Portrait Art Book Shoot
Hong Kong
Christian  von der Eltz P h o t o g r a p h e r Spot Portraits
© All rights reserved
© vde/Centro & South America/Cruise Ship accompany © vde/Mexico Jeep Trip accompany
„Mein Schiff 1“-Cruise/Spot Portraits
Mein Schiff 1
Digital Supplement Cruise/Sailing Carebbean
Digital Supplement Cut/Sailing Mallorca
Jamaica Mexico Belize Honduras Puerto Rico Pamama Colombia Dom Rep Montego Bay Costa Maya
Spot Portraits
2024 Palma de Mallorca
Hotel Beach Action Street Dinner Clubs Tour accompany Party Boat accompany
PR Press Media Hospitality Business Hotel F&B Campain Social Media Content
Digital Supplement
Spot Portraits
Spot Portraits is an independent photo service with high-quality guest photography offerings and a professional agency/editorial service for the visual production of PR press media content on the other. The offer consists of photographic services and media production. Christian von der Eltz can be booked as a photographer within customer teams and structures or as Atelier Christian von der Eltz  with entrepreneurial responsibility. Seasonal/limited time. (Germany, Europe, third countries) Personal and direct contact is the subject of this studio philosophy. Unfortunately, email inquiries without a signature and formal sender cannot be answered. In principle, an initial telephone contact is always more welcome than an anonymous email. +49 151 5356 1008. I hear you and I can and I want to understand your needs.
Spot Portraits ist ein unabhängiger Photoservice mit hoch qualitativen Angeboten in der Gästefotografie einserseits und einem professionellen Agentur/Editorial Service zur visuellen Produktion von PR Press Media Content anderseits. Das Angebot besteht aus fotografischer Leistung und medialer Produktion. Christian von der Eltz ist buchbar als Fotograf im Rahmen von Kunden- Teams und Strukturen, oder als  Atelier Christian von der Eltz mit      unternehmerischer Verantwortung.         Saisonal/zeitlich begrenzt.                    Gernany, Europe, third countries
PR Press Media Hospitality Business
Galleries Galleries
2014 - 2022: China/Asia Pacific 2023 Cruise Ship Caribbiean 2024 Palma de Mallorca